Off to South Africa

The Beginning...

Currently I am enrolled in the Graduate School at Rutgers University.  Though I graduated with my BA in 2008, it took me some time to make my way back to applying myself to my academics goals.  The saying of  "sooner than later" comes to mind.  Though it is only my second semester, I am fortunate to be a participant in the 2012  South Africa Initiative Study Tour

MySAI letter
My journey began in February of 2012 when I stumbled upon the SAI program website while looking for scholarships.  I quickly worked on my  SAI Study Tour Interest Statement and drove to the GSE building to be sure that it was received in time. A mere couple of weeks later and I received my answer. I gained entry into the program!  My only problem...covering the rest of the costs for the rest of the trip.  

When applying for the trip, I recall my mind flowing with a range of questions.  How this trip was going to add and enhance myself as an educator, as a curriculum writer, as an African-American female, and as a spiritual being?  Will I be "odd man out" amongst a sea of "white liberals" going to the continent to educate the "poor Africans"?  How will I be viewed as an African-American "returning home", specifically one who has a Caucasian father, by my continental African cousins? What does racism look like in South Africa? How or does Pan Africanism exist in South Africa? How accurate was Sarafina! (as I was only 11 when apartheid "ended")? ...and Where is my passport?

Orientation, Training, On-Line Chats...and "finding" that passport!

Beginning on June 8th, my fellow participants and I began to meet for our pre-trip orientation. One of the first questions asked was if we had our passports? Oh boy, of course I was the only one who was still waiting on the State Department's 4-6 week grace period (I lost my previously issued passport after my last trip to Mexico and was waiting for a replacement). 

Over the span of two hours, we went over what would be required of us for the few months before during and after our trip. This trip's goal is to, "Through lived experiences, service learning and self-reflection learners challenge beliefs and assumptions, and develop critical thinking skills as part of their development of personal and professional competence. Participants in the cultural immersion program in South Africa typically will demonstrate greater personal and professional cultural competencies in their lives and workplace." By the time our initial two hour meeting was over, the room was abuzz with anticipation and excitement.  

My first time ever sitting in the
 "reserved" section
After being ousted as the official introvert of the group, and two more meetings, it was time for the official SAI kick off and time to be bequeathed with our tickets!  The evening was full of speeches from former alumnae of the program. We looked at pictures, we heard poetry, we even saw how the SAI experience was used as a spring board for urban schools here in Perth Amboy New Jersey. In a way I was envious of the alumnae, they had done so much with the full experience and I am still standing on the apex aching with anticipation for what is to come.  However, in a year from now, I will be where they are and know what they know.  The whole evening was one in which was spent going over all of our excitement and expectations. 

My E-Ticket! (Don't mind the chipped polish
For the first time, I actually walked around and spoke to numerous educators and administrators...I officially "schmoozed" and lived to tell the tale. I'm beginning to think that I could actually get use to this.  The best surprise of the passport came!  

My new passport, ready
for those stamps!

My mission, should I choose to accept it...
While in South Africa I will have the opportunity to teach in three different classroom settings, conduct some sightseeing, and become totally emerged in South African culture and life. I am thoroughly looking forward to the over all experience, moreover I'm having great anticipation on how this experience will help me further shape my [culturally relevant, pan-african] pedagogy and bring me one step further to attaining my overall career goals.  

The Next Step...
Over the next few weeks I will still be involved in pre-trip orientation activities.  I have already thoroughly exhausted my Ebay account buying "travel friendly" necessities and am now looking on how to acquire school materials, clothing and other things to the students who will be in my care once I get there. So if your interested in contributing, please contact me as soon as possible. If not, please keep you eye out for future posts.  It is my goal to post at least three times a week before I leave on July 13, 2012 and hopefully (depending on my web access) once a day while I'm on my trip.

take leave from, say goodbye

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