A-Packing I will go!

The Count Down Begins Continues...
There is about a week and three days left before I leave for South Africa and I'm already starting to have dreams about not being ready and even being late. So, I took this anxiety and put it to good use. I started to pack my bag to quell at least some of the jitters. 

The Process...
I began the process with creating a list of essentials.  Once my list was complete, I consulted the highest authority...google...to cross reference anything that I might have missed.  Once I was done I further consulted youtube for packing tips.  I found the following video by breelovesbeauty and found it to be quite helpful.  The reason I liked it was because it considered the "girly" side of traveling beyond the essentials but simultaneously not bringing all of your makeup, accessories, etc. 

After about 5 hours, I was finally finished packing my personal bag (which I have a feeling I may go through again before I leave).  All that I have left is my carry on bag. I've already put my essentials into my carry on, but I left most of the room was left for teaching materials that I am bringing along. 

Over the course of this trip I will be teaching at a few secondary schools as well as volunteering at an orphanage. Thus far, I've bought some puzzles, coloring materials, playing cards, math flash cards and random chotchkies to give out to small children. 

Currently, I am working on a formal lesson plan for my teaching experience the classroom, so I left a lot of room for any other materials that I may need for these lessons. This is one part of the trip that I am really looking forward to. I love teaching, and actually have many students who come from other countries. Over the past year I have really come to understand the importance of language within the classroom and the very experience of being new to a country and navigating the academic world. In effort to understand this further I have decided to volunteer to tutor English (ESL & general literacy skills) this upcoming September 2012 at my local library.  As teaching ESL, this exposure in South Africa will allow me to better understand the classroom experience through different eyes, the outsider.  

Though I am starting the feel the normal butterflies that a teacher feels right before they receive their new class for the year, I know that once I step into that classroom, those feelings will melt away and my inner teacher will take command.  But, again, I still have one week and three day until I actually get there. 

All Packed!

take leave from, say goodbye

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