Day 3: "When the morning comes you'll see, all I have is NTR (God) in me

Day 3:   Infinite Family & Nkosis Haven

"Tell me who knows, a peaceful place where I can go to clear my head I'm feelin low, losin control. My heart is sayin leave, oh what a tangle web we weave" ~TuPac

Today we worked with some volunteers at this great haven for mothers who are HIV positive and their children. HIV and AIDs are two things that after the mid 90s pretty much stopped getting talked about in the US (that may be because I was raised in the suburbs?)  However, before summer break, I asked my students about what they know about HIV and AIDs and they have relayed that they just know its a life long disease that can kill you and to use condoms...which was actually a very sad response on account of how little it proves that they really don't know. It is no wonder why. In America, our top killers are Heart disease, Cancer, Chronic lower respiratory diseases, Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases), Accidents (unintentional injuries), Alzheimer's disease, Diabetes, Influenza and Pneumonia, Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis, & Intentional self-harm (suicide). HIV and AIDs is not even in our top ten to join in the conversation.  However in South Africa, where it effects about six million in the population and is still a big stigma, it is a force to be reckoned with. 

The point of todays visit was to assist the "Netfundis" (caretakers) with the implementation of an online mentorship program for the children and provide classroom management skills. In addition to this we assisted with the after school care and tutoring of students. It was interesting to find that the students aka teenagers provide the same difficulties no matter where there are in the world (lol). The highlight of my day was tutoring a young lady with her english homework and help her review a peer review assignment that was due for the next day.  Though I am a teacher, it was a quite different side to help a student one-on-one and get the direct  feedback rather than 5 min, 40 min, 1 day, 1 week, etc. later.

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